Gitkraken Ssh Key Invalid

CUCC Expedition Handbook - Computers

First read the generic instructions for all the software installations you will need:
Setting up a machine for Expo
Setting up a minimal Expo laptop

Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

It used to be quite simple: software equivalents existed for Windows for everything we needed. Since Spring 2018, we unfortunately have to use ssh keys. This has simply added an extra step for most things, but has made one thing (rsync) really quite hard to get working.

  • Tools using ssh, such as scp or git may show keyloadpublic: invalid format. The client does not need the public key when connecting, only the private key. So this check is pointless and it has already been removed by an upstream commit but isn't in a relase (yet). There's a discussion about this on the ArchLinux forum.
  • Configured ssh key is an invalid format. Invalid SSH keys on GitKraken, GitKraken said 'Configured SSH key is in an invalid format. Please ensure that your key is valid and is an RSA-type key.' Similar to Coming GitKraken said 'Configured SSH key is in an invalid format. Please ensure that your key is valid and is an RSA-type key.'
  • Configured ssh key is an invalid format Invalid SSH keys on GitKraken, GitKraken said 'Configured SSH key is in an invalid format. Please ensure that your key is valid and is an RSA-type key.' Similar to Coming GitKraken said 'Configured SSH key is in an invalid format.
  • Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Then, type “appwiz.cpl” and press Enter to open up the Programs and Features window. Run dialog: appwiz.cpl; Inside Programs and Features, look for a Git entry, right-click on it and click Uninstall. Then, follow the on-screen prompts to remove the current installation of Git.

What makes this all much more tiresome is that Microsoft are introducing some cool new ways of interacting with Linux systems but these are new and need some effort to get configured correctly. See the end of this page for more details.

  • Things that already work well with a Windows laptop
    - Editing the handbook webpages, typing up SVX files and transcribing the logbook,
    - Anything where the file-transfer to the expo server is via the git version control software
  • Things that cause problems
    - filenames and unintentional duplication because links are not understood by Windows,
    - sFTP or scp for more than a handful of files
  • Things that are really, really hard
    - using rsync
    - large-scale updating of several folders at once on expofiles without overwriting other people's work (which means using rsync)
    - well not 'hard' exactly, but complicated with lot of steps that are easy to get wrong and with poor feedback as to whether you have done each step correctly.
  • Things for the bold
    - using WSL2, Linux virtual machines and Docker containers

Things that already work well

Anything where the file upload and download is done via the verson control client software works really well.

Key management using PuTTy

Most Windows software that we recommend 'just works' if you have set up PuTTy and have done the key-pair setup and are running a local ssh agent (pagent) automatically at boot up on your laptop.

Some software, such as the commercial (but free) GitKraken, requires that you click a checkbox to say that you are 'using local SSH agent' rather than specifying ssh private keys explicitly (File->Preferences->Authentication in GitKraken).

Some software (such as Filezilla) defaults to using the local agent and it 'just works'.

Things that cause problems


Linux allows characters in filenames which Windows doesn't. There are also apparently normal filenames which Windows rejects (such as 'CON') for historical reasons. Linux filenames are case-senstitive and Windows filenames aren't: beware.

Symbolic links and sFTP

Linux people like to use links. This is where there is really only one file, but it is referred to by different names. This is particularly useful when a file is moved, but you want people who have got the old location to still be able to find it. This happens quite a lot when updating handbooks.

The links you are most likely to come across are that what looks like /home/expo/expoweb is really just a link to the folder /home/expo/repositories/git/expoweb,
and that expoweb/essentials.gpx is a link to the file /home/expo/expofiles/gpslogs/essentials/essentials2019.gpx

But that example is in the :expoweb: repository, so you won't be using sFTP to download it. Instead you will be using the version control software which handles it without problems. But we use it as an example of what to look out for when using sFTP.

There are two types of linux links: hard links and symbolic links. Symbolic links are much the same thing as Window's 'Shortcuts' but there is no equivalent on Windows to Linux hard links. Fortunately we don't seem to have any hard links anywhere.

What really makes things unpleasant is that sFTP software won't tell you when it comes across a link and will just do something stupid. Our recommended sFTP software - Filezilla - is guilty of this,as it pftp (PuTTy) working in eith sFTP or scp mode.. So what happens is that when you download a load of files onto your laptop using Filezilla it will simply turn every link it finds into a complete copy of the file. Then when you upload those files to the server, the copied file overwrites the link. So the server now has two files with the same content - which is a maintenance nightmare. This is painfully stupid because if it is a symbolic link there is no reason why Filezilla couldn't just create a Windows Shortcut which would do exactly the same thing. But it doesn't.

So the ordinary user won't notice any problems, but the nerds behind the scenes start to cuss and shout and generally carry-on in an expletive-heavy manner.

What is even more irritating is that Filezilla displays an link (essentials.gpx in the image) with a little arrow - it knows perfectly well that it is a symbolic link (although it does display it with a folder icon) - but it downloads it as a file copy.

Symbolic links: the solution for Windows

  • When using the git version control systems the download of a link works fine. But be careful not to edit the link file downloaded (it is just a text file holding the path of the file holding the actual contents) because then the version control client would upload it to the server and overwrite the link on the server with something that isn't a link. It also won't work as a Windows shortcut, but at least the default behaviour isn't actively dangerous.
  • When using sFTP, manually check whether any files you are copying from the server are links - look at the symbol in Filezilla.
  • Be careful not to copy any links using sFTP and instead recreate them manually on the Windows filesystem using right-click 'Create shortcut'.
  • You will have to find out what to make the shortcut link to by logging in to the server (using a PuTTy ssh logon) and doing 'ls -l' in the folder where the link is.
  • But later, when re-uploading edited files from Windows to the server, Filezilla will see the Windows shortcut as a '.lnk' file which it will upload, but which will mean nothing to the linux server receiving it. So you would have to manually recreate the symbolic link by logging into the server using ssh and using the 'ln -s' command. Yuk.
  • Even if you use scp instead of sFTP, it does the same stupid thing when copying from a linux filesystem to a Windows filesystem. The PuTTy package includes pscp.exe but even if you force it to use the scp protocol like this:pscp -scp . it downloads a copy of the contents of essentials.gpx and not a link.
  • A possible fix in the future might be to keep all your expo files in a separate partition of your hard disc which is formatted with a linux filesystem (such as ext4) and run the ext2ntfs driver to mount this fielsystem read-write from Windows. Probably not a good idea as the driver is a bit flaky in read-write mode and you could lose everything.

Things that are really quite involved

The core problem is integrating the PuTTy key management software (pagent.exe) with a terminal window. We need a terminal window to run rsync as none of the packaged software (Filezilla, PuTTy) includes an rsync client.

The solution we have now is to use WSL1 and to create another key, distinct from the PuTTy one, and to upload that key to the expo server. Because this is treating WSL as if it were a different machine requiring its own key quite separate from the Windows key, we expect this to continue to work when WSL2 becomes the default behaviour on Windows10.

So on a machine with WSL enabled, create an ordinary cmd window and get into the WSL environment using the wsl command:
D:CUCC-Expoexpoweb wsl
which puts you into the WSL environment with a new command prompt, e.g.

and now you can setup keys in the same way as you would on a Linux machine using ssh-keygen: The generated key is in the current directory and you need to move them to ~/.ssh/ as is standard on Linux (which is not at all the same place that PuTTy uses to keep keys on Windows).

Now you have to complete the key-pair setup with the new key ''. But you don't need anyone else's help this time as you can use PuTTy to ssh into the server and copy your key to the right place yourself.

Now finally you can use all the usual command line tools at yor wsl command line to communicate with the server with ssh, scp, rsync, such as:

'Are you feeling lucky, punk'

So here is the current wild frontier. Currently these are the ways to get a terminal window which might work:

  • cmd window - the old faithful going all the way back to MS-DOS. But no path to an rsync.exe executable as standard.
  • PowerShell terminal window - nope, no rsync.
  • bash window - installed by default when you install gitforwindows. Unfortunately while this MINGW32 setup includes a comamnd-line git executable it doesn't include rsync.
  • cygwin - a cmd terminal where you have downloaded and installed Cygwin. Yes, if you have selected the rsync package you will be able to run the rysnc executable, but it won't have access to the cyptographic key so it can't connect to the expo server. Please feel free to work out how to make this work. A more recent, graphical variant is Swan.
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux aka WSL1 available on all Windows10 machines since the November 2019 update. (The first versions of WSL1 didn't do the ssh key-pair setup easily: 'fairly annoying because of how out-to-lunch SSH Agent is' but it works now.)
    • WSL1 Install it like this. This does all we want. This works using a key generated by its own version of ssh-keygen if you follow the instructions above about putting it in the right place.
    • WSL1: Converting Windows paths to Linux paths and vice-versa.
    • WSL1 will shortly be made obsolete by WSL2 - the new wonderful system which will solve all our problems, make the tea and carry our gear up to topcamp. Allegedly.
    • The 2019 WSL2 release includes a selection of complete Linux kernels. If you want to use this, then please do - and then write the handbook documentation too. But beware that it has two different modes which behave differently.
  • Canonical Multipass - a completely different alternative to WSL: more isolation, more understandable behaviour (?)
  • A full virtual Linux machine running using a hypervisor such as VirtualBox which has its own virtual Linux filesystem. This setup has the advantage that you don't have to partitition your hard drive but the disadvantage that you can't get at any of the files from Windows itself except via a network protocol wsl$. Which may be no hardship.

WSL1 tricks and tips

WSL1 unfortunately introduces a wonderful new problem of file permissions. Every file on the Windows filesystem NTFS has a set of permissions managed by the filesystem. Every NTFS file that WSL knows about (if mounted with -o metadata) acquires a completely parallel set of file permissions that are fundamentally different things and are never in sync in any sense. All sorts of fun results. This will be fixed by WSL2 (expected May 2020) which will have an entirely separate filesystem, a Virtual Hardware Disk (VHD). Which will introduce a quite different set of interesting problems.

Gitkraken pull failed configured ssh key is invalid

If you are disturbed by the instructions to produce an entirely different key for WSL1 to use when your PC already has a perfectly good PuTTy key installed on the server, then you are right. It is inelegant. But it works, the instructions are shorter and there are fewer things that go wrong. If you are terribly offended by that then you can set your PC up to use one key shared between WSL and normal-Windows as described in this October 2019 article. (Don't set up a password on the key because then you don't need to install keychain.) But beware, this sort of thing goes out of date quite rapidly and WSL2 is looming.

Links to useful articles to help you work this out for yourself:

  • Cool WSL tricks - running Windows commands from WSL environment and running Linux commands from Windows terminal.
  • deep integration - Don't use gitforwindows, install the linux git client in WSL2
  • using-github-credentials-in-wsl2 - How to use gitforwindows and WSL to connect to GitHub.

When things go wrong when trying to sort this out, you may find these pages useful. I did.rsync - failed to set permission - operation not permittedfile-system-improvements-to-the-windows-subsystem-for-linux/id-rsa-pub-file-ssh-error-invalid-formatkey-load-public-invalid-formatssh-error-loading-key-id-rsa-invalid-formatchmod-chown-wsl-improvementsmount-usb-drives-windows-subsystem-for-linuxVS Code and WSLssh command line

Installing and Configuring the rest of the software you need on Windows

Now return to the Your Laptop page to configure all the rest of the software you need.

Gitkraken configured ssh key is invalid

Invalid SSH keys on GitKraken, I have configured my ssh keys and that. I can push/pull to github/bitbucket account but not next room. If ever you have encountered such problems Add your ~/.ssh/ public key to your server (, azure devops, github or w/e). Now when you do git fetch from terminal or do git fetch from Gitkraken, it should both work. Gitkraken will use your computers own ssh agent which we have configured to authenticate us successfully. Hope this helps some.

GitKraken can't connect to SSH. Invalid Key, I met the same problem last week. Tried several methods found online but none of them actually works for me. Finally solved by generating a Expected use of SSH config — GitKraken does not currently respect your SSH config and cannot make use of any remote server nicknames or identities. You can either load your SSH key directly into GitKraken or use your system’s SSH agent to authenticate with your remote.

Other Integrations - GitKraken Documentation, GitHub · Login to GitKraken using your GitHub account · Create repositories on GitHub account including . · Automatically generate an SSH key pair and add it to​ ssh-add -k ~/.ssh/id_rsa (you might have to replace that with the path of the key you are using). The command adds the ssh key to the git agent. For more information see the GitHub Help Page about adding SSH Keys. You might have to add the command to some sort of setup file which is run at boot, because it seems like the ssh agent doesn't

Gitkraken oauth token invalid

Gitkraken bitbucket token invalid, Your oAuth token for 'Bitbucket' is invalid. Would you like to refresh your oAuth credentials or try again without oAuth? When I will select 'Refresh OAuth Apps. OAuth 2.0 is a standard that allows applications to access user data on their behalf. OAuth applications used in conjunction with our API and/or webhooks can be a powerful way to create amazing experiences with GitKraken Boards.

Common Errors - GitKraken Documentation, Alternatively, add a key from SSH Defaults with. Add key to GitHub or an existing key pair through Add existing SSH key. OAuth integration with GitHub. GitKraken's Would you like to refresh your OAuth credentials or try again without OAuth?” and presents the following three options: Refresh Token Retry without OAuth Cancel Refresh Token takes me to a GitKraken page in the browser, which indicated that I w

Create and Manage an OAuth App, However, when I went to push, it gave me a pop up saying “Your OAuth token for '​Gitlab' is invalid. Would you like to refresh your OAuth Gitkraken bitbucket token invalid. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. Active 4 months ago. Your oAuth token for 'Bitbucket' is invalid. Would you like to

The free version of gitkraken does not support opening private repositories

So suddenly git kraken wont open private repositories? : git, because they weren't pulling back longtime free features to 'create value' for their I honestly can't believe I ever trusted that they wouldn't do something exactly like this. Bye GitKraken, I'm sure whatever I find won't yet be quite as good​, but I refuse to support. Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to git and am not much of a Since Private repo is moved to paid plan after v6.5.1 so make sure you download an earlier version (For example Windows: 5.0.4 - Change version number to any desired one) If you had a newer version installed, get rid of it like this:

GitKraken won't let me open my Private Repository on GitLab, 6.5.1 is the last version to support private repo. You can see the Gitkraken does not update automatically in Linux, so Axosoft can't shove it down your throat. I have been using GitKraken free version for more than an year. The entire reason I switched to GitKraken (very, very early in its life) and became one of the first ambassadors (got a shirt and stickers, went out of my way to recommend GK) was because they offered a great Git GUI product without any of the annoying strings attached (like the Bitbucket client of the time).

gitkraken does not support opening private repositories · Issue #14 , This free version of Gitkraken does not support opening private repositories. I can not pull/push the project directly. Thanks for suggestions! The free version of GitKraken does not support opening private repositories Latest pricing updates from the company : However, we also recognize that there are a lot of GitKraken users that want to use our product for their own side projects—many of whom have private repos.

Gitkraken clone failed

GitKraken won't let me clone from a private repo on GitHub, For some reason, GitKraken does not use your existing HTTPS credentials to communicate with GitHub, nor does it use SSH on Windows. Clone Failed. Could not connect to 'origin'. Double-check your remote url, then make sure you have access to do that action on that remote and try again. I run windows 10, I have connected kraken to github and ssh key works and I can push and pull repos to my other github repos that are public just fine.

Common Errors - GitKraken Documentation, For TFS instances you will need to clone your repo File Clone Repo and then enter the HTTPS repository URL (which can be found at the top-right of your Code Projects in GitKraken. There are three ways to start a Git repository when working on a project: Open - Open a local Git repository already initialized and available locally. Clone - Clone a remote Git repository already initialized. Init - Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one.

Open, Clone, and Init - GitKraken Documentation, GitKraken allows you to create an account and authenticate with GitHub, which will help you find repos on GitHub when cloning or adding your remotes. Benefits​. I've a repo at a server and gitKraken can connect, clone, push and pull over ssh with one pc without problems, i did't do any settings on this pc and he's connecting. Now i've installed gitKraken to another pc and can't connect cause invalid ssh key. I've tried to generate keys, load them on the server, load the server keys on my pc.

Gitkraken command line

Frequently Asked Questions about GitKraken, Run the following command to address the dependency issue. sudo apt install libcurl3. Error with libcurl-gnutls. How can I open the command line from GitKraken? To open the current repo folder in terminal, go to File Open Terminal or use the keyboard shortcuts opt + T (Mac) / alt + T (Windows + Linux). You can set your default terminal from Preferences General.

How to Install GitKraken, can type commands to open repositories, view history for files in the. Switching between Using #Ctrl Shift P will open the Command Palette, which looks. The command line syntax might be different, but as mentioned above, I didn't find any documentation. I tried '-p' because I saw something similar while googling but it didn't work either C:Users<username>AppDataLocalgitkrakenUpdate.exe --processStart 'gitkraken.exe -p 'C:<path to repo with spaces>MyRepo1'

[PDF] Cheat Sheet, Which is better for Git: GitKraken (GUI) or the Command Line (CLI)? This guide covers the pros and cons of using each platform, based on these criteria:. GitKraken vs CLI: Which is better for Git? Which is better for Git: GitKraken (GUI) or the Command Line (CLI)? This guide covers the pros and cons of using each platform, based on these criteria:

Gitkraken pull request not showing

Alternatively, try right-clicking the target branch and selecting Start a pull request. Or click the + in the pull requests section on the left panel, and select the repo and branch to create the pull request. Pull request templates. GitKraken supports pull request templates from your GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps (including legacy VSTS URLs).

I don't see GitKraken appearing in the 'Third-party access' section and I don't want to remove all restrictions for my company. But unfortunately I don't see a way to add an approval on a new app. Have you some advices? (I try to relog on kraken but it doesn't change indeed since it's not approved :/) – Kikiwa Nov 30 '16 at 16:06

Pull (fast-forward only) Pull (fast-forward only) fetches any updates and then attempts a fast-forward. If a fast-forward is not possible, GitKraken will not make any changes to the local repo. In our 2-commit example, a fast-forward is not possible as there are new commits added to both branches. Pull (rebase)

Gitkraken Ssh Key Invalid Format Windows

Gitkraken malformed url

Why do I get 'malformed URL' error when performing remote actions , Why is GitKraken using a proxy when I haven't configured one? GitKraken is automatically pulling proxy configuration from your system's proxy Open GitKraken, wait for it to fully start. Turn your proxy settings back on. You should be able to perform actions as normal. Modify your Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) file to return DIRECT (no proxy) for the GitKraken update servers. This will 'trick' GitKraken into thinking a proxy is not necessary and will not attempt to use it for local

Other Integrations - GitKraken Documentation, yaco: WARNING: Failed to fetch origin, error: malformed URL 'ssh://git@gitlab.​com:HIDDEN/HIDDEN/HIDDEN.git' Sensetive or unimportant Does GitKraken support TFS, Visual Studio Team Service or Azure DevOps? Yes, For Azure DevOps (previously VSTS), you can use our integration with Azure DevOps!. For TFS instances you will need to clone your repo File Clone Repo and then enter the HTTPS repository URL (which can be found at the top-right of your Code page).

Gitkraken Ssh Key Invalid

Failed to fetch origin, error: malformed URL · Issue #31 · DGA-MI-SSI , User error, but it still should not crash the app. File > Clone from URL… Paste in text of the format: git clone ssh:// Pushing and Pulling data from Remote Repos. Push . Pushing takes any local changes , and making them available on the remote .. Push the currently checked out branch by clicking Push in the main toolbar, or by right clicking on the branch, and selecting Push.

Gitkraken displaying 2000 commits

Searching Commits - GitKraken Documentation, By default, GitKraken displays up to 2000 commits on the graph. To view a deeper history of your repo, set the max number of commits that display on the graph By default, GitKraken displays up to 2000 commits on the graph. To view a deeper history of your repo, set the max number of commits that display on the graph to the number of your liking. Navigate to Preferencesfrom the hamburger menu in the upper right corner, and find Max Commits in Graphunder General. There is no limit to how many commits can be displayed.

Gitkraken Ssh Key Invalid

Frequently Asked Questions about GitKraken, When I try to open a repository in a xampp server with Gitkraken I can't view branches or commits, just the message 'Displaying 2000 commits. When I try to open a repository in a xampp server with Gitkraken I can't view branches or commits, just the message 'Displaying 2000 commits. Adjust this setting in Preferences'. I tried to reinstall Gitkraken, reopen the repository and reboot xampp/my computer but it didn't work.

Gitkraken doesn't show branches and commits, I need to search for a commit of more than a year ago and create a branch there. But The GUI doesn't show history past say November 2017. The search function​ Sometimes a repository can get in an unexpected state that causes it to not work correctly in GitKraken. This may be your commit graph not showing up at all or seeing the message 'Displaying 2000 commits'. Try running git gc from the terminal on this repository and then relaunching GitKraken. You can also try taking a fresh clone of the

Gitkraken Ssh Key Invalid

Gitkraken Ssh Key Invalid Ip

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